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Rèplica is the mimicry , the empathy, the cohesion, the perception, the approach.

Replica is the mirror effect, the intergroup perceptual phenomenon that refers to the ethnocentric perception or tendency of a social group to interpret reality based on its own cultural parameters.

Rèplica represents the state or attitude generated in us when we are surrounded by  people in a certain place, space  and time.


Finalist piece of Premi Institut del Teatre 2017

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Idea and Creation: Laia Santanach

Coreography: Laia Santanach in collaboration with the dancers.

Dancers: Elia Lòpez, Anna Hierro, Miquel Barcelona and Laia Santanach

Dramaturgy: Miquel Barcelona

Choreographic assistent: Núria Guiu

Music composition: MTM Collective, Carlos Martorell, Toni Costa

Pianist: Toni Costa

 Electronics: Carlos Martorell

 Light designer: Ignasi Bosch

 Costumes: Mariona Sala

Image: Ignasi Castañé

Photography: Anna Fàbregas


Duration: 15 min.

Support :OSIC 2018

-Premiere December 2017- 



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