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Ballant Ballàvem


Ballant Ballàvem are words in moving, it is danced expressions, feelings and compound states.  Based on the origin of the word and the search for the origin Dancing danced represents and exhibits parallels between the choice of gesture and its apparent meaning. A proposal illustrates a movement where every word.


It is a proposal promoted by the APDC, Associació de professionals de la dansa de Catalunya,  to choose an author and create a contemporary dance piece about that literary author.


This solo has been premiered in the Sismògraf 2017 and presented in more than 15 spaces in street or site specific format.


Creation: Laia Santanach

Dancer: Laia Santanach

Musical Collage: Cligbcn Productions

Music: Pan Sonic, Fink

Duration: 20minuts.

Image and video: Ignasi Castañé

Productionn: Apdc

-Premiere May 2016-


Colaboration: Univeristat Autònoma de Barcelona, Nunart, Sismògraf, Escola Bàrkeno en colaboración con el Mercat de les Flors.

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